Wednesday, April 13, 2011

tips overcoming heart disease

Heart disease generally occurs because the growth of small lumps in the blood vessels. These bumps are called plaques and are composed of cholesterol, fat, and excessive growth of cells lining blood vessels in muscle. This plaque begins to form since his youth sometimes in childhood. Necessary changes to make them heal. Coronary heart disease is not only attacking the parents, but have started attacking their 30-year-old. Of course, this is not surprising because we are accustomed to unhealthy lifestyle since childhood.
Blockage in one or more coronary arteries can cause heart attack suddenly. The reason for the heart to ask exceeds the available oxygen so that trigger heart attacks. Why? If the heart muscle does not receive oxygen for a long time, the surrounding tissue can be damaged. Unlike other tissues, the heart muscle does not regenerate. The longer the attack, the more damage to the heart and the more likely die.
Cholesterol is particularly virulent, blamed as the cause of coronary heart disease because it causes blood vessels clogged and harden (atherosclerosis). As a result the blood flow is not smooth or clogged. If the blocked blood flow to the heart is, then there is coronary heart disease (CHD). If it leads to brain stroke. It could also hamper the blood circulation in the legs, giving rise to a black color.
Atherosclerosis occurs if there is buildup of plaque or fatty deposits in artery walls. Over time, plaque can accumulate, harden and narrow the arteries, and inhibit blood flow to the heart. Coronary artery disease or coronary artery disease (CAD) is that basically leads to most heart attacks.
Even in the arteries that are not too narrow because timbungan plaque and fat, accumulation of plaque can rupture and form a crust of blood or thrombus. In addition, the diseased arteries also tend to experience sudden muscle contractions. Thus, a piece of crust of blood can form a contraction, releasing chemicals which then result in narrowing the artery wall, triggering a heart attack.
If the working system of the heart is damaged, the normal heart rhythm can become chaotic and the heart began to tremble with uncertainty or experiencing fibrillation. This abnormal rhythm known as arrhythmia is a deviation from normal heart rhythm. This will cause the heart loses its ability to pump blood effectively to the brain. Within ten minutes, brain death and the patient was beyond help.
Other diseases can affect any part of the heart. However, the disease is the most common chronic disease in the coronary artery is called atherosclerosis. Therefore, heart disease commonly known and most common is coronary heart disease or coronary artery disease. The disease is most often causes a heart attack in someone who can cause death. The cause is narrowing of the coronary arteries, where the vessel serves to provide blood to the heart muscle. The narrowing is caused by a pile of cholesterol or other proteins derived from food intake in the body. This buildup causes the coronary arteries become stiff. Rigidity is referred to as atherosclerosis
In addition to coronary heart disease due to fat deposition in the arterial wall, there are also other heart diseases caused by abnormalities at birth. For example, an imperfect heart, heart valve disorders, weakened heart muscle. Another cause is the bacteria that cause infections of the heart. Symptoms of heart disease
The symptoms are perceived if you have coronary heart disease include pain or pain in the chest in which most people thought it was just as indigestion. Then other symptoms of feeling depressed in the middle of the chest for 30 seconds to 5 minutes. Another thing is the cold sweat, palpitations, dizziness, and felt like fainting. These symptoms are not always perceived sufferer. Another warning sign is gasping for breath during exercise.
For several months before the heart attack usually people with heart disease often feel very tired. Do not assume these symptoms are caused by lack of sleep and stress of the job.
Pain or feeling of pressure in the chest, called angina, give warning to half of those who suffer a heart attack. Some people get breathless or exhausted and feeling weak as the symptoms, indicating that the heart is not getting enough oxygen due to blockage of a coronary.
Usually a few days before having a massive heart attack, a person will experience muscle contractions suddenly in the chest which is a small attack or a mild heart attack. Generally mild heart attack occur before a major attack a few days later. How to cope with heart disease
Recognize any of these symptoms if there is chest pain, shortness of breath, or palpitations.
Cease immediately all work no matter what you are doing and sit or lie down while you draw a deep breath.
If you are alone while symptoms last more than a few minutes immediately contact the local emergency phone number and say you have a heart attack. Or contact the people around you by giving the same information.
If anyone can take you to the hospital more quickly than the arrival of paramedics, immediately ask for help going to take you to the emergency room at the hospital. Faster would be better handled.
But if you wait for a team of paramedics arrived, so while waiting, you can loosen tight clothing, including a belt or tie. Make yourself in a position that feels comfortable.
Stay calm, no matter you are the victim or his salvation. The panic may increase the likelihood of arrhythmia or heart rhythm irregularities that threaten life.

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