Wednesday, April 6, 2011

why when we see people throwing up, we also want to throw, too?

Sometimes if you see others vomiting, spontaneous people also feel like vomiting, nausea and follow-up. Does this indicate that vomiting was contagious?

Vomiting is a sign of the condition of the body that do not fit. Many diseases are characterized by symptoms of vomiting. Still vomiting is not contagious, the condition without a Prescription online pharmacy is called the Sympathetic vomiting.
This happens when I saw, smelled or heard someone vomiting cause others to become sick and wanted to vomit.
Genesis is quite common in the community and some scientists have thought that this is a sympathetic character who really has evolved in man.
Sympathetic vomiting may be seen as a simple reaction to a scene or throw up an unpleasant odor.
In addition, the odor generated when someone vomiting is widely regarded as the worst odor and can cause people nearby to feel nauseous.
As quoted from, Tuesday (22/06/2010) vomiting itself is not a contagious condition and is one of the conditions in the body's reaction. But if the vomiting is caused by penyait infection, infection that can spread.
While this may be just a reaction to the aroma was pleasant, there is a chance the body has a subconscious reaction to the conditions surrounding them. Another factor is that there is a chance someone has a sensitive stomach.
Some experts argue that the urge to vomit can be controlled by eating certain foods and drinks and try to make the body breathe and relax through meditation.
If a person feels sick, try to slowly consume carbonated beverages, stepping out to get fresh air or divert the mind with other activities.
One thing is for sure do not jump to do the exercises or exercise, because some types of conditions requiring exertion can trigger nausea.

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